These math games are the perfect way to keep your students focused, while also still getting in numeracy instruction close to Christmas! They are low-prep, need very little resources and your kids will love them.
Over 50 Pages include:
Simple, child-friendly instructions.
Small visual reminders of what resources are needed for each game.
3 x A3 Board Games
7 x A4 Board Games (with 6 styles of each game)
Concepts covered:
Addition (1-digit)
Identifying smaller and larger numbers (1, 2 or 3-digit)
Place Value: Working with MAB's up to 100.
Subtraction: 1-digit.
Doubling numbers.
Friends of 10 (Friends of 20 in extension file).
Australian money (with coins only / with notes and coins).
Note: I've also added some extension versions using 8-sided dice and or/larger numbers!