| GROWING BUNDLE: FREE Updates | Full price $120
Looking for a maths resource that ticks all your boxes? Look no further!
Teaching is hard enough, without spending hours putting together differentiated lesson plans and activities. Not to mention, the time spent thinking about:
Early finisher tasks.
Assessment points.
Games to consolidate skills.
With this ‘Step Two Math Units: The Super Bundle!', everything is done for you.
Buying into this SUPER BUNDLE means that you get ALL future updates for free (updates e-mailed out). This bundle has been created as exclusive access to the units as they are completed; please be aware that these units will be released over the coming months.
Each unit includes:
Lesson Plans: Learning intentions, resource list, lesson introduction/body/conclusion, early finisher task and assessment pointers.
Differentiated Activities: Each lesson has three levels of differentiated activities to choose from.
Early Finisher Games: Printable games and 'low-prep' options for each lesson.
PowerPoint Slides: Warm-ups, strategy content, conclusion activities, early finisher slides, editable features (like numerals, graphs and selected clipart), bonus slide templates to insert your own content.
Which units are available now?
Numbers to 1,000 Unit
15 Lessons.
90 + Pages of Lesson Plans and Differentiated Activities.
250 + PowerPoint Slides (aligned to lessons).
11 Printable Games (65 pages).
Strategies covered:
Interpreting and representing numbers to 1,000 (with extension beyond).
Working with numerals, words and other representations.
Ordering numbers into the number sequence.
Comparing and ordering numbers.
Counting on from a given number.
Identifying before and after.
Working with a number grid.
Working with various number lines (including decades and centuries).
Estimating amounts
Note: Focuses on numbers below 1,000. The level 3 extension points work with numbers below 10,000.
Fractions Unit: Halves, Quarters and Eighths
8 Lessons.
80 + Pages of Lesson Plans and Differentiated Activities.
150 + PowerPoint Slides (aligned to lessons).
6 Printable Games (65 pages).
Strategies covered:
Identifying the 'whole'.
Identifying halves of a shape, object and collection.
Identifying quarters of a shape, object and collection.
Identifying eighths of a shape, object and collection.
Exploring how halves, quarters and eighths relate to each other.
Note: Designed as an introduction to fractions. While the level 3 activities touch on fractions represented as a numerator/denominator, the majority of the lessons are focused on the wording of halves, quarters and eighths.
Three-Digit Place Value Unit.
15 lessons.
120 + Pages of Lesson Plans and Differentiated Activities.
320 + PowerPoint Slides (aligned to lessons).
10 Printable Games (56 pages).
Strategies covered:
Representing numbers with MAB.
Interpreting MAB.
Expanded form.
Understanding 'zero' as a place holder.
Identifying the value of a digit.
Renaming and regrouping numbers.
Applying a knowledge of place value to count large collections.
Note: Designed as 'the next step' when teaching place value. It builds on a knowledge of 2-digit numbers and focuses on 3-digit numbers, with extension targeting numbers above 1,000.
Time: O'clock - Quarter to Unit
- 12 lessons.
- 90 + Pages of Lesson Plans and Differentiated Activities.
- 340 + PowerPoint Slides (aligned to lessons).
- 11 Printable Games (51 pages).
Strategies covered:
- Understanding the features of a clock.
- Reading and writing o'clock time.
- Reading and writing half past time.
- Reading and writing quarter past time.
- Reading and writing quarter to time.
- Exposure to digital clocks (Level 3 tasks).
- Relating clocks and fractions.
Focus: reading o'clock to quarter to time on an analog clock, with options for exposure to digital clocks. Support tasks are offered throughout (e.g., option to continue with half past time, while other students tackle quarter past).
Length Unit
6 lessons.
60+ pages of lesson plans and differentiated activities.
120+ lesson aligned powerpoint slides.
5 printable games (30+ pages).
Strategies covered:
Measuring length using informal units.
Comparing length.
Applying a knowledge of length to real-life problems.
Creating rulers using informal units for increments.
Estimating and checking length.
Exposure to formal units (rulers).
Note: Builds on a foundational understanding of length. While it predominantly focuses on informal units, opportunities to use a ruler are integrated throughout.
Units To Be Released
Unit Release Dates
This is a growing bundle, meaning that units will be added as they are completed. While I will strive to complete each unit as soon as possible, there is a huge amount of time, research and effort that goes into each concept. I cannot guarantee the completion date of particular units and the bundle price reflects this.
Unit Sizes
Each concept requires a different amount of time to be taught, so the units vary in the amount of lessons (and are priced accordingly).
Unit Content / Year Level Targets
The content is targeted towards the Year 2 curriculum. However, as it is differentiated, can work for year levels below and above. This resource is created by an Australian educator, so is based around the Australian Curriculum (V.9). Thousands of educators all over the world have found my resources to be easily adaptable to their classrooms!
Editable Features
Editable features must be edited out of slideshow mode (easy steps included).
^I reserve the right to adjust the outline and predicted schedule of these units as required, as they are based on the current curriculum at the time.