Are you looking for Math Warm-Ups that cover your content for the entire year? These Editable PowerPoint Slides* are the perfect way to engage students in revising previous concepts and introducing new ones.
This massive bundle includes over 750 slides that covers the entire Australian Curriculum (updated in 2023 to new V.9 Australian Curriculum). With slides that are easy to edit, duplicate and shuffle, you can differentiate and cater for a wide variety of abilities in your classroom.
*Note: Editable features like numerals, simple math manipulatives and grids are included throughout, headings are locked.
Concepts Included
Number and Algebra
Understanding the number sequence (before/after, counting on and back).
Skip counting.
Representing numbers in multiple ways.
Multiplication (strategies, arrays etc.)
Mental Maths.
Times tables.
Number talks.
Number patterns.
Number bonds.
Fact families.
Place value (up to five digits).
Addition (explores strategies, like vertical addition & jump strategy).
Subtraction (exploring strategies).
Relating addition and subtraction.
Division (exploring strategies).
Fractions: Recognising fractions, drawing fractions, equivalent fractions and fractions on a number line.
Angles: Recognising and drawing angles.
Measurement and Geometry
Australian Money: Recognising coins and notes, identifying and ordering value, matching money to prices, calculating change, rounding money, counting amounts. Includes editable templates to insert different currencies.
3D Objects (recognising objects, explaining features, exploring nets).
Time: Reading and writing time on digital and analogue clocks / Converting between units of time.
Working with capacity.
Working with mass.
Working with area.
Working with volume.
Working with length.
Reading grids and maps.
Slides and turns (geometrical reasoning).
Statistics and Probability
Reading and interpreting graphs (with editable graphs and data)
Identifying and explaining outcomes of chance.
Editable Year Three Math Warm-ups PowerPoint | Australian Curriculum |
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You can find it here: 'Editable Year 3 Math Warm-ups'