I have combined content for both Year Five and Year Six in this bundle of math warm-ups! This will easily allow you to differentiate and cater for a wide variety of abilities in your classroom. Warm-ups are the perfect way to engage students in revising previous concepts and introducing new ones. This bundle includes over 800 slides that are easy to move, duplicate and edit to keep your students on their toes! Many of my slides are editable, either by changing text or drawing on the slide with a Smartboard pen.
*Note* I have included some slides from other Year Group PowerPoints as revision.
Current concepts included:
Number and Algebra
- Ordering & sequencing numbers.
- Skip counting: 2's, 3's, 5's, 10's.
- Multiplication: Completing multiplication grids.
- Mental maths (addition, subtraction & division).
- Times tables: All included.
- Doubling numbers.
- What's before and after?
- Continuing number patterns.
- Odd and even numbers.
- Number bonds.
- Fact families.
- Number patterns.
- Creating number sentences.
- 'Ten a day': Mental math.
- Number talks: Thinking creatively with numbers.
- Addition strategies.
- Subtraction strategies.
- Multiplication strategies.
- Division strategies: Working with different strategies and solving problems, rules of divisibility.
- Arrays: Drawing arrays and linking them to multiplication facts.
- Show me the number: Various ways to represent a number.
- Place value: Working with 2-digit, 3-digit and 4-digit numbers using MAB and pop sticks. Place value mats / on an abacus.
- Fractions: Reading fractions, representing fractions, fraction of the day, fractions on a number line, adding and subtracting fractions.
- Converting fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Factor Wheels.
- Rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
- Number sense: Creative thinking.
- Australian Money: Recognising coins and notes, identifying and ordering value, matching money to prices, calculating change.
- Australian Money: Calculating discounts and GST.
- What doesn't belong? Mathematical language.
Measurement and Geometry
- 3D shapes: Recognising 3D shapes and identifying their attributes / connecting shapes to their nets.
- Identifying polygons and their attributes.
- Different types of triangles.
- Time: Reading and writing time on digital and analogue clocks. Converting between units of time. Understanding units of time / elapsed time. 24 Hour time.
- Angles: Recognising and drawing angles.
- Measuring Mass (includes converting between measurements).
- Measuring length and distance (includes converting between measurements).
- Measuring and calculating area.
- Measuring and calculating perimeter.
- Measuring volume.
- Measuring capacity.
- Interpreting maps, coordinates and giving directions.
Statistics and Probability
- Language of chance.
- Chance experiments.
- Interpreting graphs.
- Answering and generating questions.
Editable Year 5 and 6 Australian Curriculum Aligned Math Warm-ups
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You can find it here: 'Editable 5 & 6 Warm-ups'