This Math warm-up powerpoint is aligned to the Australian Year One Curriculum and covers all concepts. It includes over 500 slides that are easy to edit, duplicate and shuffle to suit your students' needs. If you're looking for math warm-ups for the whole year, this is it!
Warm-ups are the perfect way to engage students in revising previous concepts and introducing new ones. This powerpoint is created with the intention to be editable, allowing you to duplicate, edit and move slides to keep your students on their toes!
If you wish to view this product on TPT, just search "Mrs Chalmers' Cherubs".
Current concepts include:
Number and Algebra
- Ordering & sequencing numbers.
- Representing numbers up to 100.
- Skip counting: 2's, 5's and 10's
- Mental maths: Addition & Subtraction *editable for any operation*.
- Doubling numbers.
- Counting backwards and forwards.
- What's before and after?
- Counting on basics using unifix cubes.
- Counting on using a number line.
- Addition with pictures.
- Addition word problems.
- Addition 'pick your strategy'.
- Addition with a number line.
- Addition word problems.
- Subtraction with pictures.
- Subtraction word problems.
- Subtraction 'pick your strategy'.
- Subtraction with a number line.
- Reading and representing with tallies.
- Reading number words.
- Friends of 10.
- Odd and even numbers.
- Number bonds.
- Fact families.
- Part-part-whole.
- Show me the number: Various ways to represent a number.
- Ordinal number.
- Subitising: Dice and irregular patterns.
- Fraction: Identifying half of a collection and half of a group.
- Number talks: Making numbers, balancing equations, numberless word problems, dot patterns.
- Reflective question prompts.
- Place value: Describing 2-digit & 3-digit numbers using MAB and pop sticks. Identifying 10's and 1's. Expanded form. Place value mats.
- What doesn't belong?: Oral language and mathematical language development.
- Australian Money: Recognising and ordering coins / Matching coins to amounts / Shopping with coins.
Measurement and Geometry
- Language of capacity: Recognising full, empty, half-full, half-empty.
- Language of length: Longest, shortest, shorter, longer, equal length.
- Language of weight: Comparing objects.
- Time: O'clock and half-past on digital and analogue clocks.
- Time: Recognising Days and Months.
- Language of location: Over, under, clock wise, anti-clockwise etc.
- 2D and 3D Shapes: Identify shapes and describing the attributes of 3D shapes.
Statistics and Probability
- Chance: Language of chance and identifying the likelihood of events.
- Reading and interpreting data: Completing column graphs and generating questions. Completing and reading bar graphs.
*Note: Some slides may be present in other year level powerpoint as revision/extension.
Editable Year One Australian Curriculum Aligned Math Warm-ups & Daily Review
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