This resource started with a problem. I wanted a set of maths templates that I could easily use in the classroom, but also send home with my students if we were thrown back into remote learning. That's how these Maths Templates were born.
They fit perfectly inside craft storage boxes (mine are from Kmart), so I can easily create a class set of 100's grids, throw together a practise kit for a student, or design a box as an 'early finisher'.
What's included?
Storage labels (huge variety to suit your purpose).
*Hundreds grid (up to 1000).
Tens frame/Twenty frame.
Number cards (1-30).
Before & after templates.
Number lines (1-10 / 1-30 / 1-100 / -10 - 10).
Skip counting templates (2/5/10).
Simple addition/subtraction template.
*Fact family.
*Number bonds.
*Place value mats (2/3/4 digits).
Place value printable MAB.
Expanded form templates (2/3/4 digits).
Spinners (number/dice/blank).
Multiplication template.
Multiplication facts (2x - 12 x).
Division template.
Division and multiplication fact family.
2D shape cards.
3D object cards.
*Digital clock template with numbers.
*Analogue clock template with hands.
Days of the week cards.
Months of the year cards.
Australian currency (more currencies added soon).
Parent/Student tip cards: Money, Time, Shapes & Objects, 100's grids, Place Value, Tens Frame, Number Cards, Skip Counting, Days & Months, Number lines, More/Less.
*Marks templates that are also available as an extra-large size.
This resource is designed to be printed on coloured paper/card, so the templates are in blackline. If you would like a colour version added, just shout and I'll add a set as a free update. I have also designed them to fit in the Kmart craft boxes. The largest template is 15.5cm x 10.5cm. Please check this fits your storage requirements (or shrink when printing).