Are you looking for a way to keep your students engaged as you approach Christmas? These editable Math and English warm-ups are perfect! They feature a variety of open-ended concepts and editable content, meaning you can use them for multiple year levels and abilities.
This product is geared towards lower and middle primary, however, I have included a variety of concepts that can be extended for older students, or adjusted to suit young learners. There are lesson suggestions throughout to assist you with increasing or decreasing difficulty. A wide range of content is included so you will never have to purchase this PowerPoint again.
What's covered?
How-to guides.
Number and Place Value.
Sequencing numbers.
Skip Counting.
Making numbers (easy to differentiate!)
Friends of 10 & 20.
Telling the time in analogue and digital format.
Elapsed time.
Mental Strategies.
Australian money.
Mathematical language.
Applying place value and skip counting.
Sharing and division.
Christmas Anagrams.
Crack the code.
Up-levelling and editing sentences.
Word of the day.
Non-fiction writing (reports).
Letter writing (to Santa).
Persuasive writing prompts.
Creative writing prompts.
Procedural text structure.
Christmas around the world (report writing)