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Writing prompts are BACK! If you liked Set One, you will love Set Two! This pack includes 50 engaging writing prompts that students will absolutely love. Not only can they be used for classroom activities, they are also perfect for distance learning. They are geared towards the Year One Australian Curriculum, but feature editable content so can also work for other year levels. This resource includes a whole term's worth of daily writing prompts that will engage even your most reluctant writers (tried and tested!).

Set Two's layout includes prompts on:


  • Would you rather? A much-loved favourite, students are posed with questions such as 'Would you rather have a bouncy castle or a water slide in your house?'.

  • Awesome opinions! Questions designed to encourage students to form and justify an opinion!

  • Imagine If? Put your thinking caps on! Students use their imaginations when posed with a variety of creative situations.

  • Let's Create! Students explore and apply their knowledge of various text structures.

  • Read and Respond! Prompts crafted on familiar stories and online short stories (readily available on YouTube if needed).


What's included?

  • How-to guide for use on PowerPoint.

  • How-to guide for use on SeeSaw.

  • How-to guide for use on Google Slides.

  • Editable student prompts (Note: The activity prompts on the left side are locked, the student response prompts on the right are editable).

  • A variety of 50 slides that work through the topics listed above.

  • 'Daily Review' slides: Work through a different topic each day.

  • 'Topic Review slides: The same slides have been ordered, if you wish to work through a particular topic at a time.

  • Permission to distribute online to students and parents.


*To double check if the format of these slides will work for you, I've released 5 of my math slides for free! If you are unsure if you will be able to utilise these on your desired platform, such as Google Slides, please download the freebie "FREE TRIAL Year One Daily Math Prompts" first! - available on my TPT*


How they can be used in the classroom:

  • Display on Smartboard for students to complete orally, on mini-whiteboards or in books.

  • Print out and place in write-and-wipe sleeves (or laminate) for literacy rotations or early finishers.

  • Assign slides as images on SeeSaw or other platform for students to complete on devices.

  • Use on Google Slides. Instructions of how to do this have been provided, but Please test freebie first!).


How they can be used at home:

  • Release slides for students to download at home. They can complete the activities orally, in their books or on devices.

  • Assign slides as images on SeeSaw or other platform for students to complete on devices.

Daily Writing Prompts: Set 2 | Distance Learning |Australian Curriculum

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